
At FICI we are offering a professional patent service by IFIA’s attorneys. Our area of expertiseآ is in PCT, US, and Canadian patents. Also, IFIA has a partnership with WIPO which is the provider of PCT and European patents. Our members can benefit from the special discount for PCT and US patents. For more information please contact us.

Increasing awareness about Intellectual Property is one of our main missions at FICI. To reach this goal we are collaborating with the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC) to run FREE IP workshops for Canadian students and entrepreneurs.

FICI is also offering a PCT Grant Program to help entrepreneurs obtain an International Patent and market their invention/Idea globally for 30 months. The grant amount varies up to USD 1000.

Please note, that having a valid patent is a must for those who are applying to join the National Inventors’ Team of Canada (NITC).

Startup Visa Program

FICI is proud to be an official partner of Designated Organizations (DO) for the Startup Visa (SUV) program. This program offers foreign entrepreneurs an opportunity to start a business in Canada and become permanent residents. To be eligible for the SUV program, applicants must receive a letter of support from a designated organization, which confirms that the business idea has potential to generate significant economic benefits for Canada.

As a designated organization, FICI is committed to supporting foreign entrepreneurs in Canada. We assist startups in preparing their applications for the SUV program, ensuring that they meet all requirements and have a strong business plan. Our team works closely with entrepreneurs, providing guidance and support throughout the application process.

In addition, FICI works with a network of industry professionals to connect startups with potential investors and partners. Our goal is to help startups succeed in Canada by providing access to resources and expertise, as well as opportunities for growth and development.

If you are a foreign entrepreneur looking to start a business in Canada, the SUV program is a great opportunity to realize your dreams. FICI is here to help you make it happen. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in the SUV application process and help you achieve success in Canada.

International Competitions

As the only official full member and representative of IFIA in Canada, we are responsible for sending Canadian national inventors’ team to international competitions running by IFIA. IFIA has annual competitions for inventors in different countries , with different themes between 24-38 categories.

Applicants need to first register to FICI and send a summary of their inventions with pictures from their prototype ( having an MVP or prototype is a must ) and mention the competition they are willing to participate. Note due to high demands for competitions we are not able to approve all applications.آ After reviewing applications FICI will chooseآ only top 5-10 applications for that competition.

Competitions take between 3-4 days usually and last day of each competition is dedicated to marketing and technology trading.

Our team members can benefit from cash awards , gold , silver and bronze medals and special awards from ministries of science , innovation, and the most reputable industries in each competition. Also, due to a number of participants ( usually between 800-5000 inventors from +70 countries) IFIA’s competitions are the best place for inventors and entrepreneurs to introduce their invention to the biggest R&D centers and industries in a worldwide stage. In case of winning an award, they can add this valuable reputation to their professional resume and develop their project.

We have specific services for nominated national team members before and after international competitions. Consultation sessions to match the criteria of their invention with that competition(s) , presentation workshop and technical consultancy session are offering before competition ; marketing and connecting them with representatives of industries in that country or representatives who are coming from other countries to that competition and legal aids are offering during the competitions and finally link them to the national industries to increase their chance of selling their ideas are part of our services for our team members.

For more information about upcoming competitions please visit our event page.

Technology Transfer Center

IFIA members are authorized to establish IFIA Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) in IFIA member states. TTOs work under the supervision and guidance of Technology Transfer Secretariat (TTS), situated in IFIA Secretariat, to meet the requirements of Technology Transfer Center (TTC). TTC branches supervise the activities of TTOs regionally. IFIA may found TTC branches in specialized fields such as electronics, computer, etc which is possible in case the members working in special areas send IFIA Secretariat a request in this regard. If IFIA has several members in one country, then one of the members can be in charge of TTO upon the approval of Executive Committee members and the remaining members are expected to cooperate with their national TTO.


IFIA Commercialization and Sustainability Unit (IFIA – CSU) aims to unlock the true potential of innovations by supporting Innovation Rockstars and Early Breakthroughs in 6 high impact areas with no intention of profit. You can apply for IFIA-CSU Grand Innovation Challenge now.

These 5 candidates will have:

  1. Access to dedicated global networks, resources, platforms, experts, mentors, Investor groups & Innovation roadshows to provide face to face exposure to Investors & large collaborators (Public & Private)
  2. Opportunity to be involved for wide adoption through large global development programs by multi-lateral agencies, Donors, Governments
  3. Opportunity to be involved in global implementation programs of the Sustainability Development Goal (SDG) Accelerator
  4. Defined partnership opportunities and markets to be pursued for development, commercialization, investment
  5. Limited period (12 months) exposure & representation on global platforms and flagship programs & events